We believe your pool area is more than a place to swim. With our pool cleaning and maintenance services, we will help you maintain your pool as the centerpiece of your backyard. With over 20 years of experience, one of our owners- Terese, personally offers her expertise, hard work, and friendly service to your pool and spa.
Chemical Balancing
Chemical balancing is the art of testing the water chemistry of your pool or spa and adding the appropriate amount of chemicals. There are both sanitizers to keep your pool clean and safe; as well as other chemicals that keep the water balanced. Hiring a qualified, professional pool service company protects your pool- one of your homes most valuable assets.
Chemical Sales - If you are a customer that receives our chemical balancing services then enjoy our preferred prices on chemical sales. Not to mention free delivery and application to your pool.
We use Langlier's Saturation Index to ensure balanced water chemistry.
Cleaning and Maintenance
At Pyramid Pools, we take pride in taking care of your pool cleaning and maintenance needs.
Keeping the equipment working correctly and water clean and clear saves you the inconvenience of allocating time for pool maintenance. Offering in-house chemical sales, we will be happy to deliver and add the required chemicals to your pool or spa.
Equipment - Allow our technicians to teach you how to run your equipment properly or find appropriate upgrades to outdated or broken equipment.